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5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
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Frank Müller Offline
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Post: #31
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
zeitverbesserung: 1:29,66 supi

juhuuuuu unter 1.30!!!!! Rofl
irgendwas stimmt nicht, ich bin mit sprit für 30 runden losgefahren und das war so nach 10-12 runden? ich bin normal nicht so schnell wie ihr nope
mußt mal aufs serverreplay von heute gucken, da ist es passiert nervous

p.s. sorry, daß ich euch den start versaut hab. ich hab nicht in den chat geschaut, ich hab telefoniert bist sekunden vor dem start und an pacelap nicht gedacht. bin dann raus um nicht noch mehr verwirrung zu stiften

(This post was last modified: 19.02.2007 22:03 PM by Frank Müller.)
19.02.2007 22:00 PM
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Stefan_S Offline
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Post: #32
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
Is there a fix for this?
(This post was last modified: 20.02.2007 10:36 AM by Stefan_S.)
20.02.2007 10:36 AM
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Uwe Herrling Offline

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Post: #33
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
@Frank: Wunderts dich? Du wirst mit der Zeit halt (wieder) schneller, ob du willst oder nicht Big Grin
Das mit dem Chat hatte ich mir schon gedacht, als du losgestochen bist Rofl Die Verwirrung war aber nicht so groß - hättest dich halt hinten wieder eingereiht und gut.
Hast du kein Replay? Wenn du wirklich das Serverreplay willst kann ich es hochladen (machen wir bei Trainingsrennen normalerweise nicht)

@Stefan Never seen this. Only thing I see is that you seem to be using some widescreen monitor, so it might have something to do with screen resolution, but... actually i dont believe myself harhar

If i were you I would try to fiddle with the Details Slider in GPL Options to see if it has some effect...

Are you using GPLGlance or did you change your seat position permanently? (I remember that there is a way to do this).
Especially the 69 mod is prone to this kind of display errors, if you are using "non standard" views. Some of my alternative camera positions (which i dont use during driving) show similar effects with the 69 mod

20.02.2007 11:30 AM
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Stefan_S Offline
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Post: #34
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
I don't use GPL Glance.
I tried the 67 with same results.
Tried the detail slider but no changes.
Maybe I have to reinstall the track and see if it's get any better..
20.02.2007 11:51 AM
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Factory Driver

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Post: #35
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
Hi Stefan !

For clipping I can say, all the same here. aerks
I have no fix for this problem. Sorry. Traurig

For the black lines above treerows, i can help you. grinz



EDIT: Read Wolfgangs post further down (same time), i have no physik clippings. This is only graphik-effects. I test it with F10-view, the same.



(This post was last modified: 20.02.2007 15:01 PM by ACHIM KRAFT.)
20.02.2007 14:55 PM
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Wolfgang Buthe Offline
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Post: #36
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
mh , what a strange bug !?
I've no idea what to do ...
Is it a grafical problem or do You have clippings in the physics too ?


"Man spürt es, wenn man nach langer Fahrt von der Landstraße abbiegt und den schwarzen Asphalt des Ringes unter den Reifen hat; da ist irgend etwas anders !"

Wolfgang Graf Berghe von Trips
20.02.2007 14:56 PM
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Factory Driver

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Post: #37
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
Hallo alle zusammen !

Nach einem verkorksten Anfang auch bei mir (siehe Frank's Bericht oben) habe ich mich durchgebissen.





20.02.2007 14:58 PM
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Stefan_S Offline
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Post: #38
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
Reinstall did not help.
Yes it's only a graphical issue.

If there is no fix we just have to get used to it.

Achim, do you have a file for that line it would be good, but i didn't noticed it before I took that screen shot.

Edit: if you look at that first screen shot you'll se I did 1:28.11 in the Brabham:)
(This post was last modified: 20.02.2007 15:31 PM by Stefan_S.)
20.02.2007 15:27 PM
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BLY Offline
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Post: #39
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
Hi Stefan,

is this only happening just a second in T2?

If yes, this clipping at this corner is there from the first day the track was released. I remeber that I reistalled it several times....doesn´t change anything. So we have to live with it zwinker

But as I drove this track now after a very long time (I was using Brands67 instead), I felt like home when I saw it again!!


Ulrich Schwartz
20.02.2007 15:36 PM
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Post: #40
RE: 5. Lauf RSL Historic F1 Championship 2007
Hi Stefan !

Here are the tree-files in reduced format i use.




P.S.: Save your old files first.

P.P.S.: Very nice time nervous

P.P.P.S.: I have seen your black-line is gone by installing some graphik-updates. Now you dont use mine (motheaten) tree-files.



(This post was last modified: 20.02.2007 16:24 PM by ACHIM KRAFT.)
20.02.2007 16:04 PM
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