Hallo alle zusammen !
Folgende Nachricht ist im RSC Forum zu finden:
The Future of RSC Begins Now...
Several months ago, we reported on the future of RSC. One of the most pressing issues we recognized was the performance of our site and the affect on you, our members. A donation drive was started and you guys were kind enough to trust us with some of your hard earned cash for us to use to improve RSC and put this big old place back on track. Since then, a core group of individuals have been hard at work behind the scenes to put everything in place necessary to address this situation, while awaiting the point in time where we had accumulated enough donations to relocate to a new and sturdier server. That point in time has come. Big thumbs up to all those of you who donated, when we speed up on the new server this is your doing! In return we have loads of interesting concepts and ideas that should make RSC a livelier, more friendly and more dynamic place again.
In a few days we expect to be switching our site to a new dedicated server host, where we will be running RSC from a much more robust hardware and bandwidth solution. We expect this should be immediately noticeable to everyone. The even better news is that when the time comes for us to go to the next level of performance, the hardware we've selected is highly scalable, and will allow us the room for growth we'll need in the foreseeable future.
In order to make the switch to the new server, it will be necessary to implement scheduled downtime while we transfer files and databases. As this will be quite time consuming, we expect this process may take a few days. At this point, we expect to take the server offline Thursday,
July 5th. Rest assured that we will do everything in our power to make the transition as quickly and smoothly as possible. However, as is often the case with these types of things, sometimes the process is not as smooth as one would like, so an exact date of going live again is not practical to predict.
You will also notice that over time, the site will be redesigned from front to back. This will include adding much more to the front end with the kinds of content that you should find interesting, compelling, and fun. We will need to further prevail upon your good nature and patience during this process. It is our sincere hope that in the long run, you'll find it worth the wait. If you want to help and you feel you have something to offer in the process of re-inventing RSC, then speak up… this is still a place run by simracers for simracers and everyone with skills and passion can help make the place better.
When we decided to try and revitalize RSC it was obvious that we needed a bit more structure behind the scenes. RSC has always been a very loose construction with nobody owning it and nobody having any specific tasks. The administrative staff just did what needed to be done when each of us had time and energy to dedicate. We are still doing this as a hobby (a very time consuming one) however now we have taken the recquired steps to ensure that RSC will survive even if some of us administrators might lose interest and move on in life. RSC is now a "Self Owning Institution", which basically means that it is recognized as a legal entity under Danish law. This won't make any difference whatsoever in what happens at RSC, it just means that there is a bit of structure and that nobody can, for example, snatch the whole database and set up shop under the RSC name. After eight years in service of simracing, we still hadn't gotten around to getting this basic stuff done. Now we have, and while it has been a tiresome and tedious process, we expect it to give us admins our second wind and get back to the long overdue project of spicing things up around here.
Finally, we would like to convey a huge thank you to our previous host, SimBin Development Team AB. Without their assistance, RaceSimCentral would likely not have survived. We are grateful for what SimBin has done for us with nothing expected in return (just in case you are wondering, SimBin has never been involved in the day to day running of RSC and we are as independent as ever). We expect to continue sparring with SimBin and our other good friends amongst the simracing development companies and teams, to ensure that RSC will remain your #1 source of info and the most direct line to the various developers, while remaining a hotbed for the free thinkers and mod wizards of simracing.
One last thing for now. We've decided to go back to our original URL,
http://www.racesimcentral.com, which will actually work now. However, either URL (rscnet.org or racesimcentral.com) will work for the near term.
Again, thank you all for your donations, patience and support. See you soon, when RSC is back on track and is once again the place to be for all your sim racing needs!
If you'd like, you can discuss this here
RaceSimCentral Administration
Wir hatten ja zusammen mit GPLRACER auch an der Spendenaktion teilgenommen. Ich wünsche den "Machern" von RSC alles Gute für die "Wanderung".
P.S.: Sollte dies die falsche Unterkategorie sein, bitte einfach in die richtige rüberschieben.
EDIT: Hier noch der Link zum entsprechenden Unterforum: